In case of emergency 24/7
available: +31 (0) 78 674 72 91
We have extended our (emergency) services to include sampling and analysis on site. As we can take samples and conduct analyses on site, we can accelerate the availability of lab results.
The aim of taking samples and conducting analyses on site is to reduce the time spent waiting for results compared to the time-consuming services provided by conventional (on-shore) laboratories. We can offer immediate and relevant data, so you have more freedom to make decisions about follow-up operations without losing valuable time. We can take samples and conduct analyses on site by deploying our Mobile Laboratory Kits (which are subject to IATA regulations) anywhere in the world. We offer sampling and analysis at any (external) location you like, based on 24/7 availability.
As well as all sorts of gas measurements (such as toxic and inflammable gasses or issuing mandatory Working Conditions declarations), we are now able to conduct rapid samples and chemical analyses of soil, air and water, or waste water, using various parameters. We offer a wide range of analyses of waste, fi-fi water and backwash water to detect metals, chemical oxygen use (CZV), flashpoint, acidity, nitrates/nitrite/ sulphites, chlorine, micro-bacteria analysis and much more.
Our mobile lab offers a range of options for sampling and analysis on site: